Split Decisions
Split Decisions are a type of crossword puzzles where each answer spells two words. Traditionally, these two words only have two letters’ difference (so you could have FLASK and FRISK in one row, for instance), with those four letters being the only clue for that row. I like making Split Decisions puzzles; in fact, I like making them a lot more than I like solving them! Here are some I’ve made over the years.
Split Decisions #1
My first Split Decisions. If it wasn’t obvious, this one is pretty difficult!

PokéDeci! #1
A Pokémon-themed Split Decisions, with a twist: the givens are fused together like a cryptic crossword clue! There’s also an easy version, which splits the givens as normal, if that’s more your speed.

[Easy Version]
PokéDeci! #2
Another Pokémon-themed Split Decisions, with another twist: this time, the givens are interleaved! Each individual name is still in order, but they’re mixed up with each other, instead of being concatenated. There’s also a normal version (which is the same as last time), and an easy version. These are both a bit easier than last time, since the puzzle was designed with the hard version in mind.

[Normal Version]
[Easy Version]
PokéDeci! #3
The third entry in the PokéDeci trilogy. The process I’ve developed at this point is pretty robust, so I can make much more interesting layouts. And speaking of interesting, it looks like Jigglypuff and Pikachu are playing dressup this time!

[Normal Version]
[Easy Version]
PokéDeci! #4
The fourth entry in the PokéDeci trilogish. Now with three exclusive Pokéfacts, one for each difficulty level!

[Normal Version]
[Easy Version]